Monday, October 30, 2017

In which Malware enjoys a rooted beer Oreo ...

Now thanks to the lizards of Oz, there was an ironic juxtaposition with which to start the week of reptile review, but it turned out that the Oreo didn't mean that Turnbull shouldn't carry on ...

What she meant to offer, instead of a double negative, was a straw of hope, a lifeline, a chance to generate political capital ...

Could there be any surer sign that Malware's situation was terminal, and he'd landed in an irreversible dead-end?

Now it's admirable for the Oreo to suggest that Malware turn to the Donald as an unchallenged master.

This is surely the sage sort of advice that Malware desperately needs, given the way that things are going so spiffingly well in the United States ...

Perhaps we could see a Twitter-led recovery? The current bunch of tweets has all the charm and excitement of the copy on a cornflakes pack ...

And the pond does appreciate Oreo's vigorous defence of the cop show cock-up and the ROC follies.

No doubt the ABC must take much of the blame. In the pond's experience, the ABC is to blame for almost everything that's wrong in the world ...

Everything the Oreo said seemed on the number and correct weight and unassailable advice of the rich Oreo kind ... but then the pond made the unfortunate mistake of scanning the recent headlines of a genuine never give an inch Malware hater ...

By golly, who needs Comrade Bill when they've got the Bolter?

It seems the Oreo has lost her lines, or is singing from a different sheet, or has decided to leave the murmuration of starlings and fly off on her own ...

She should have been offering this Oreo insight for the day ...

... so that the thoroughly rooted Malware could have enjoyed his root beer cookie ...

Instead in defiance of the Bolter, she flaps about offering all sorts of hopes and delusions in the guise of policy advice ...

Here's a tip for the Oreo. Only navel-gazing, fluff-gathering Liberal party spear carriers of the onion-muncher cockroach kind give a toss about the reform of the NSW branch of the Liberal party ...

And urging on the religious freedom mob is going to see yet another bout of the Liberal party tearing itself apart to cater for homophobes ...

If these are the things that are going to help Malware's government regain its moral standing, then its irretrievably lost ...

Besides, there's many more interesting questions to be asked in the coming days, not least whether gorgeous George is just all bully bluster and humbug, or whether he can put the peddle to the metal and make the rubber hit the road ...

Interesting times, enough to keep Rowe in cartoons for months, with more Rowe here ...

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