Thursday, February 23, 2017

In which the pond turns to domestic matters thanks to the lizards of Oz, and long-suffering Savva ...

The pond has taken its eye off the domestic ball of late. 

Such is the enormous appeal of the Donald that it's hard to look away. No doubt train wrecks have, or the rise of Hitler had, the same capacity for mesmerising the mind ...

Of course it's been difficult to ignore Malware acting as Netanyahu's lap dog, fawning, apple polishing, brown nosing, gushing with praise, kissing the feet and any other handy appendage ...

This level of worshipful grovelling is hard to find at the worst of times, and Malware's attempts to remind Netanyahu of various matters have sounded like an attempt to trump the Donald in peak vacuous fatuity ...

This was just too obsequious creepy crawly for the pond to contemplate, while Netanyahu blathered on about Beersheba and the first world war, such is his capacity to eradicate history and sense ...

But what of Malware and his loyal troops?

For this the pond turned to the royal court correspondent, and it seems that all is not well in this decaying administration. 

After all, having fucked over the NBN, mocked climate science, celebrated coal, and given penalty rates a damn good rattling - a charge led by those who refuse to work on weekends - what else is there to do?

Well there is the mutton Dutton calling for help by feminists to deal with the Islamics, which is strange, since no-one pays any attention to feminists when they get bolshie about equal pay or get angry about angry Sydney Anglicans blathering on about complimentary women (send stamps, and one can be delivered to your door stop).

The Daily Terror? Still brooding about that one? Relax, the entire empire is now geared to real estate sales. Let the boom continue!

But at least the pond has been reminded just how much Malware fears and loathes gorgeous George, and has sent his loyal royal correspondent out into the world to mock said whippy George.

And as for the disloyal, wretched leakers ...

Sadly, the pond came away from all this with the sense that it was a microcosm, a kind of nanoparticle version of the Donal's court. 

Chaos, confusion, leaking, formidable challenges, and Savva left to ravage the dissenters ...

Who else but Savva could present the heroic figure of Malware - almost Churchillian - calmly swatting down dissenters, when all the pond could think was "oh no, not another remake of King Kong" ...

Ah well, as Moir reassured the pond, it could never happen here ... with more reassuring Moir here.

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