Wednesday, November 06, 2013

Speaking of cronies, paranoia, culture wars, excrement and Miranda the Devine ...

(Above: Miranda the Devine)

Speaking of cronies, Tony Abbott didn't have to wait long for his investment in a dinner for his cronies to pay off with Miranda the Devine.

Even casual readers will be aware that the pond is ticking off the conservative commentariat who joined fellow cronies in a chow down, as noted in Tony Abbott's private function.

Richard Ackland made all the necessary points about crony conservative journalism here.

Yep, the Devine, or La Devine, as Gerard Henderson fondly calls women, is in great form evoking the stench and smell of shit in Sneering Lefties love to hate Abbott:

The sneering foulness of the Left is bubbling up like overflow from an unblocked sewer at the realisationthe Abbott government is here to stay. (don't blame the pond for the typo).

In the old days, the pond was routinely instructed to wash hands, and if one mentioned shit, even shit bubbling from sewers, to wash out one's mouth, or even if one dressed up the stench of shit with the polite notion of "overflow".

You can imagine the feral indignation if a lefty, or even worse, a greenie, or even worse, a black helicopter United Nations climate change conspiracist, used bubbling shit and sewers as a metaphor.

How low can these wretches go, the right would sing in chorus.

What happened to standards, what happened to journalism, what happened to Shakespeare, and so forth and etc.

Janet Albrechtsen might cluck about personal responsibility and personal standards, and the Bolter would certainly tut tut, as he did when reprimanding Clive Hamilton in On being abused by Clive Hamilton, Professor of Public Ethics.

Rabid shock-jockery, the Bolter called it, presumably on the basis that it takes one to know one.

Never mind, what took the Devine's mind beyond the gutter, and down into the bubbling shit-drenched sewer?

Well it's just the usual embittered alienation, and a return to the culture wars.

Comically the Devine gets on side with Christopher Hitchens, as pompous a prat as has ever visited Australia's shores in recent times, who apparently made a complete fool of himself on Q and A, as you can see here (but then that's the nature of the show).

The pond didn't watch the show, and lost all interest in Hitchens after reading Hard to fight war on drugs when we are the ones fuelling it.

That concluded:

It is of course a moral question, of pleasure versus restraint, of chemical stupor versus hard-edged discontent with reality, of selfishness versus self-control. By choosing the hard path, our civilisation became free, peaceful and prosperous. Do we really think we can now choose the easy road, and not pay for it?

The pond wondered what Hitchens had been taking while writing the piece, since as any proud Britisher knows, the empire was built on the navy, and the navy was built on rum, sodomy and the lash.

That's rum as in ah me hearties, let's get pissed as a Long John Silver parrot ...

As for the talk of a free and peaceful civilisation, was that what the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were all about? Here, have a peaceful and prosperous drone shoved up your arse.

The pond doesn't mind a genuine conservative position - the pond is inclined to conservatism in lifestyle - but really asinine, inane simplifications and mindless, obviously distorting rhetoric is simply a bridge too far, for paratroopers and the pond ...

What's that? The pond said 'arse', like a potty mouth? Sorry, the Devine fascination for the bum gets to the pond all the time ...

It turns out that Hitchens is just another silly puritan of the most banal and pompous kind.

The pond has seen them come and go, and long before the time of Oliver Cromwell.

In this case, it's a most peculiar English strain, droning in a monotonous way, and routinely it provides evidence that this Hitchens wasn't the sharpest knife in the family drawer, but now he has quite a nice public life as a wielder of "dangerous ideas" thanks to the absence of his brother.

The funniest thing? Well Devine quotes Hitchens talking about the seedbed of totalitarianism:

"When you start believing that the opinions of other people are a pathology then you are in the beginning of the stage that leads to the secret police and the gulag."

Uh huh. So what happens when you think the opinions of other people are just shit bubbling up from the sewers?

Never mind, you can't expect a rabid ratbag crony like the Devine to hold two contradictory thoughts in the old noggin, and so the pond presents, as a classic textbook study, this bit of seething resentment, anger, fury, bully and bluster:

Yes, it is true that Abbott has won the election. But conservatives have never yet won the culture war. When Labor is in office, the Left do their work, quietly, inside the corridors of power, to change the nature of the country. The curriculum, the universities, the ABC, the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, the National Museum of Australia. 
They do it for posterity. When conservatives are in power, they keep busy fixing the economy, controlling the borders, maybe switching off a money tap or two at the ABC. 
But they are too polite to seize the narrative of history. In the culture wars it's always two steps forward for the Left. The best conservatives have ever managed is to maintain the status quo. 
When the conservatives are in power, the Left make merry mischief. 
They bully and bluster and fill every cultural space. 
Which is why, for all their moaning, they haven't been this excited for years.

Now if that's not a classic statement of paranoia, with a chip on the shoulder the size of a fair average red gum, and more resentment than a shrink looking at a psycho killer ...

The best bit?

Well you will have your own selection, naturally, there's plenty there to choose from, and even more in the original rant-laden piece.

But for the pond, the winner must be:

But they are too polite to seize the narrative of history. In the culture wars it's always two steps forward for the Left. The best conservatives have ever managed is to maintain the status quo.

Yep talk of rancid lefty shits bubbling up from the sewers is simply too polite to seize the narrative of history and win the culture wars ...

The Devine is being too polite when she talks of shit bubbling up from the sewers? Guess she needs to harden the fuck up and go Full Metal Jacket:

You are nothing but unorganized grabastic pieces of amphibian shit!

The pond guarantees such talk is certain to win the culture wars. Go to it, Ms Devine ...

(Below: you knew there'd be a wiki about washing your mouth out with soap, didn't you? Here)


  1. It was Peter Hitchens on Q&A, DP, but I did close my eyes for a moment and even though his voice was almost identical to his dead brother, his opinions and sentiments were far from it.

  2. Abbott land, love it or leave it!
    Alternatively, any one who dares to disparage the assertions of our dear leader are reflective of that faecal font as described by the lovely Miranda.

  3. All the more remarkable, DP, is that it's an absolute certainty that *none* of the Mother-of-Nine's children will fall victim to any kind of "chemical stupor", despite being offered sips from Father's whiskey or tugs on Father's ciggies. Being thus reassured that no righteous mother would allow her children to fall victim, it follows that the mother of a child who succumbs must have fallen down on her duties, that is, her prayers.
    So, what happened to those women of the YMCA who worked alongside Jonathan Lord? How were they conned by Lord, if it wasn't by kind words and, maybe, the offer to share in a loving prayer of comfort?
    On the Royal Commission and the RCC, Kristina Keneally says that the hierarchy should find more room for women, as a preventative against abuses by priests. Women? As in the many, many mothers, sisters, aunts, cousins, teachers, lay workers, etc, who are on permanent watch for sins of all shapes? If the criminals could get past the likes of Mother-of-Nine, and the Abbott family, what hope for a few mums on committees?
    Oh, sorry! Did I mention the #RCIRCSA, when we are trying so hard to forget all about it? Well, you did bring up sodomy. Or was it *Peter* Hitchens?

  4. Re my above comment, DP, please do not think of me as some kind of Pilkunnussija.

    I’m far from it.

    1. Comma fucker! The pond learns something every day ...

  5. The reason culture is beyond the grasp of the right-wing, is that once they have set their eyes on power, they become like Homer Simpson drooling over just the thought of it....Oooooooooooooooo..powwwerr...(drool!) and about as far as the brain can function.


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